ClubSwan One Design Worlds Play Out in Palma
The ClubSwan 36s, 42s and 50s gathered in Palma de Mallorca for their world titles and Nations Trophy finale and Palma—as usual—delivered.
One-Design Showcase
Designed in 1932, the fun-to-sail Comet offers high-level double-handed racing to all ages, with equally competitive fiberglass and wooden boats. Friendly people, great boats, used and new self-rescuing design.
Class Contact: Kevin Buruchian
Class Contact Email: kevin.buruchian@gmail.com
Class Contact Phone: 973-271-2233
Class Website: cometclass.com
Social Media: Facebook
LOA: 16 ft.
Beam: 5 ft.
Draft: 6 ft. (up / 3 ft. (down)
Weight: 260 lbs.
Sail Area: 140 sq. ft.
The ClubSwan 36s, 42s and 50s gathered in Palma de Mallorca for their world titles and Nations Trophy finale and Palma—as usual—delivered.
The fans were happy, Barcelona tourism was happy, and teams and families enjoyed the long-term stay. So where to next if the Catalonian capital’s port is too small for more?
Be it mistakes, or just bad luck, adversity in sailboat racing is inevitable, but there is a way to methodically come to terms.
For fans of Emirates Team New Zealand there was never any doubt they had the supreme package and sailing team. Together, they nailed their third defense in convincing fashion.